Healthy Vegan - Last of the Hanging Tomatoes and Trailing Nasturtiums

I don't have very much to share, sadly the only squash I had growing in the garden collapsed and rotted.  The garden is a proper mess, like an abandoned allotment plot.  We are hoping to tidy up the garden plot on Sunday.

Oh did  I mention that we were away for a week a couple of weeks back to the South of France, Marseille to be more specific.  Anyway, these are the last lot of tomatoes harvested from the garden.
Most of them are fine and dandy, but as you can see some are split - especially the Black Russian variety. 
Other than the odd raspberry here and there, the only colour in the garden is coming from the nasturtiums.  
I am loving the way they are trailing along the border of the path and trying to creep over.  
 Moreso, it was lovely to see a bumbling bee bull dozing in and out of them - just look closely. 
Plenty of shredded green leaves, but kneel down and you will find some Brussels Sprouts.  I harvested some over the weekend for a simple meal.  I am sharing this measly harvest with Dave over at Our Happy Acres who is hosting Harvest Monday on behalf of Daphne's Dandelions .


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