Healthy Vegan - Sunday Photo and Sunday Snap: Horns

I am not going to assign a gender on this androgynous stone carved statue, but it is rather beautiful and quite solemn in it own way.  

I've been wanting to share this picture a while ago as it made me smile.  Someone had yarn bombed it, or at least lovingly adorned them a colourful crochet scarf  to stay warm and a pair of spectacles to ignite a little sunshine and humour into what I remember was a blustery grey day. It does certainly bring a smile to your face as well as a little magic into your life, well I think so. 
We actually took this picture some time last year or maybe even a year before that, when we visited an area of Newport called Caerleon.  I will share more pictures of it tomorrow, but this is my contribution for Sunday Snap hosted by Sunday Snap; and Sunlit Sunday. If anyone knows any more about the significance of horns and the story behind this stone carved character, I'd love to know.

I have two other similar yarnbombed pictured that may make you smile.  Click here to see Keeping Monkey Warm and Cardiff Yarn Bombing People Like Us.


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