Healthy Vegan - Changing Colours of My Seasonal Harvest

I promised regular blog readers last week that I would share a photograph of the tall Russian Giant Sunflower in my garden, I have fibbed.  I will, just it was hard to take a photograph with the gusty winds bashing the sunflowers from side to side and then came the pouring rain.  I will try again for you all next week and perhaps by then there will be more sunflowers growing from the offshoots on its side.   

I do have some shiny shiny fruits and vegetables to share wiht you though.  
Some tasty strawberries and a bowl full of tomatoes
Red Apples from the neigbours in exchange for some plums.  He described these as Cider Apples.  Last year I used them in cake, may do so again this year.  

The Courgettes are dwindling, being replaced by marrows and Sunburst Patty Pan Squash which have been very welcome.  I have grown them in pots this year and they have mostly been coming along nicely, but the slugs have got to many.
More plums, this may be my last photograph of plums this season as many fell to the earth yesterday with the strong gusty winds, but I cannot grumble as I got my fair share to make cakes and preserve some in jams and chutneys, as well as share some with family, friends and neighbours.
A tray of maincrop potatoes, unlike the Earlies harvested a couple of weeks back that were not very nice, these have been fantastic for mashing, and I am not a mash person and even I have enjoyed them.  What have you harvested this weekend?!

I  am sharing this with  Harvest Monday hosted by Dave over Our Happy Acres.  


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